Our promises every day beauty experts provide new innovations in the world of make-up to satisfy you and help you to appear Bahly possible.

It is the last of these innovations, which filled the houses of beauty "posters temporary IP Shadow", which helps you get the most beautiful drawings and color shades the eyelids with one step only. Save you the effort and the great times that long Tqdanha front of the mirror to reach the ideal form of eye makeup.

All you have to do is choose a poster in patterns and shapes that fit Trgbinha and colors of your clothes and style and paste it on the eyelid for a few seconds and then remove your finger massage and enjoy a wonderful Block attractive.

The posters are an ideal solution for girls who do not Atguenn blending colors and phased, as it provides forms and color gradient very nicely too, and available than in the same time, colors quiet Msamsh women quiet, making it suitable for all tastes and trends.
The prices range from the posters between twenty and thirty dollars, and price depends on the degree of mixing between the color and strength.
It is interesting that this poster designs have emerged recently, titled "the eyes of the army" and "Tigers of the Desert" and "Thunderbolt", the forms that are in great demand in the Arab world because of the large role played by the army now.


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