The dream of every woman beautiful and attractive heroine in the holidays so Valmakiaj must be the colors of fun and vitality but attention must be first skin which takes time and maintain Fastkhaddma moisturisers every day Choose a generous and nutritious fits your skin

And also use a cream for the evening and nutritious cleanser gentle on the skin and makeup before doing the work of well-Day Cleanse the skin and Ozei humidifier on the entire face and wait until absorbed face cream then add the base touches studied the full-face skin color then put a lighter color under the eye and then powder transparent and nationally distributed light under the eyelids such as color under the brow of gray or white or ivory or gold and a national drawing a line down eyelid color that best fits the colors of fashion,

For example, if a pink dress and you can use the color blue or deep violet and if the structures or use a green color, green or brown and pan using the color or two at most under the eyelids because a lot of color is not desirable and not the color selection is the color of the same dark shade used in the shading external corner of the eye and keep the light color to shade the rest of the eyelid and then the distribution of national Albuleshr on the cheeks and then Put lipstick and polished, preferably with a color shading in opening the eyes and eyelashes, intensifying national Balmascara Shine and charming heroine in the feast.


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