Suffer some of the girls from dandruff and used her many medicines, but without the benefit of that offer beauty experts some natural recipes to treat dandruff, says get the scalp crust as a result of the use of hair products chemicals, and the treatment of dandruff and reduce the appearance can be used many natural ways of blending juice lemon with egg and then we transfer it for two hours on the scalp and then wash our hair with warmer waters, and can mix with the minced garlic with the belief that alcohol left in the sun 10 days, and when you take into account the use of mixed well and put it on the scalp and then wash hair with shampoo children.
Apple cider vinegar and plays a major role in the elimination of dandruff and use it daily on the scalp after washing hair with water warm.
A set of tips for daily care to get rid of dandruff from the scalp massage before bedtime pm with olive oil or almond or cactus and leave until morning, then wash hair with warm water and repeat this daily until dandruff disappear.
Medical use lotion containing sulfur and massage then wash the hair directly anti-dandruff shampoo and this is done once every week until you get rid of dandruff completely.
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