Hair Care do not recognize chapters and seasons, it is obligatory at all times even keep your crown brilliant, bright and glowing, no doubt that any one of us know full well that, like the skin, very sensitive to the vagaries of the atmosphere and mood, hormones, etc., which calls for style health, must be for Maternal, Newborn for a lifetime

In this regard, quoted «Focus» German on its Web site, for Hans Wolf, head of Dermatology University Hospital, Ludwig Maxamalins city of Munich as saying: «The overall skin, and skin hair in particular, can benefit from the sun to get vitamin D, a vitamin important for hair growth, on the condition that does not have exposure to sunlight for long periods.

He said: «The 15 minutes a day is sufficient so», indicating that direct exposure to sunlight affects negatively on the hair and lead to dryness and brittleness.

For his part, the Gerhard Mayer, a senior hairdressers in Germany, which puts touches elegant on the heads of the rich and famous in Germany, several facts and tips for beauty hair and well-being, published also the magazine «Focus» on its Web site recently, among them as saying that :

 Not be overstated in the use of hair care products,
 such as «expanded» and «Generation» and the like because they harm him and Taatfah the long term.

1 «a wound and the use of hair dryers constantly have an adverse effect on the hair in the long term».
2 does not have to keep the shampoo on the head for a long time during the washing and attention not to the survival of any residue of the shampoo in scalp hair.
3 the importance of using cold water on the head after the completion of the wash, because they contribute effectively to close the pores.
4 towel drying hair and not over-use hair care products, such as «expanded» and «Generation» and the like because they harm him and Taatfah the long term.

5, it is important to recognize each one on the nature of her hair, if the hair soft, for example, is a strong need for special attention and a certain haircut, with care not to neglect the parties to the hair, a weekly nutrition for them, cutting them from time to time.


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